Author: Reverend F. Kittel
Cited by
- U. R. Ananthamurthy (1)
- IN: Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man (1976) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: Sam-s-kara 1. Forming well or thoroughly, making perfect, perfecting: finishing, refining, refinement, accomplishment. 2. Forming in the mind, conception, idea, notion: the power of memory, faculty of recollection, the realizing the past perceptions... 3. Preparation, making ready, preparation of food, etc., cooking, dressing... 4... 5. Making sacred, hallowing, consecration, dedication; consecration of a king, etc. 6. Maing pure, purification, purity. 7. A sanctifying or purificatory rise or essential ceremony (enjoined on all the first three classes or castes). 8. Any rite or ceremony. 9. Funeral obsequies.
FROM: A Kannada-English Dictionary, (1894), Definition, Germany